- From: Lofton Henderson <lofton@rockynet.com>
- Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 18:50:07 -0700
- To: "Kirill Gavrylyuk" <kirillg@microsoft.com>
- Cc: www-qa-wg@w3.org
Hi Kirill, Mark -- I suggest that we discuss Mark's earlier proposal for modification to the 1.1 table, and Kirill's later proposal (below), at the telcon, as part of the on-going issue#55 processing. -Lofton. At 10:49 PM 3/12/02 -0800, you wrote: >Hi, Mark, David, >Here are some arguments why the current requirement makes sense: >1) We want this Checkpoint to be Pri1 - essentially required for >everybody. If we raise a requirement level, we have to drop the priority >to 2, because the existing WGs like XSLT, XSD, XML and others do not >have resources allocated initially to do regular tests reviews. I like >the requirement of having some tests better then option of not having >any test suite. > >2) The model of composing test suite without inside-WG review is >actually viable. The way you operate in this case is: > >WG assembles a test collection from contributions and then ask vendors >to publish their results against this collection. This generates open >discussion why the results differs and vendors motivate submitters to >update their tests. Eventually standard and the test collection align to >each other. The only thing that is required from the WG in this case is >to drive publishing tests and results and point out to submitters the >discrepancy in the results. > >I agree that in the correct test result will not be available in timely >manner, but from the benefit/workload perspective for most active >standards this seem to be the golden mean. > >Re:test assertions >- partially agree with you. I'd suggest we add what you suggested to the >Level 2 and simply swap current Level 5 and Level 6. Note, I agree with >Dave that complete set of test assertions is an advanced requirement at >least for existing specs like XSLT or XSD - it will take another 2 years >to produce. But the complete test suite is by definition complete only >when it covers all assertions - I don't know of any complete test suite >produced so far:) > >Re: use-cases. >I think it is as basic notion as a "test" so should be in our Glossary. >Spec development starts from identification of the use-cases - formal >description of the user scenarios. The difference between "test suite" >and "set of use-cases" is that the latter has no upper boundary, it is >an origin for the spec, not a consequence. Hence I would not attempt to >define the word "numerous". > > >My suggestions: >1) Add to level 2 what you suggested below >2) Under testability of the specification, level 3, reference definition >of the "use case". >3) Leave the Chkpt unchanged. >4) Swap Level 5 and Level 6. > >Thanks >-----Original Message----- >From: Mark Skall [mailto:mark.skall@nist.gov] >Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 8:46 AM >To: www-qa-wg@w3.org >Subject: Checkpoint 1.1 Table > > >To all, > >As promised in Friday's telcon, I reviewed the table associated with >Checkpoint 1.1. With the current checkpoint, this is what we require: a >WG >commitment that a test suite (with no quality control) will exist prior >to >Recommendation and that the WG aims to have numerous normative use cases >in >the body of the Recommendation. > >These are the problems I see with the current checkpoint and table: > >1) We've asked the WG to commit to a test suite (in Level 2), but we >don't >ask for a commitment to review the test suite until level 4. Since >we're >the Q/A group, I think any requirement to produce something (a test >suite), >with no provisions to ensure adequate quality, is not appropriate. > >2) Although we've asked for commitment to the existence of a test suite >in >level 2, we do not ask for test assertions (as am addendum) until level >6. Thus, we could have a test suite developed before the issuance of >test >assertions. > >3) Level 3 asks for the WG to aim to have numerous normative use cases >in >the Rec. The word "numerous" is vague and unverifiable. Additionally, >I'm >not sure what is meant by use cases at all, in this context. > >I propose the following solutions: > >1) Add to level 2, in the testability of the specification column, >"Working >Group commits to develop a set of test assertions, not necessarily >complete, before beginning development of a test suite." > >2) Under testability of the specification, level 3, quantify "numerous >normative use cases" (i.e., one use case per ???). In addition, explain > >what is meant by "use cases", in this context. If neither of the above >can >be done, I suggest removing this requirement. > >3) Change Checkpoint 1.1 to "plan to have at least a commitment to Q/A >level four." This way, we can guarantee that the test suite will be at >least of minimal quality (it will have been reviewed and there will be a > >process in place for establishing and maintaining test case >contributions). Without review and a plan for test cases, all we've >asked >for in our level 2 requirement is something called a test suite, which >could be completely garbage. A bad test suite is much worse than no >test >suite at all. > >4) Add to level 5, in the testability of the specification column, "In >addition to the commitment for the previous level, insists on a complete > >set of test assertions before completing test suite." > >In summary, I think the table and checkpoint need some work. The above >thoughts are my preliminary ideas, but there may be better ways to >address >the problems. > >Mark > > > > >**************************************************************** >Mark Skall >Chief, Software Diagnostics and Conformance Testing Division Information >Technology Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology >(NIST) 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8970 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8970 > >Voice: 301-975-3262 >Fax: 301-590-9174 >Email: skall@nist.gov >****************************************************************
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