Example and Process about Call For Participation

The Call for Participation is defined as:

In the Process Document:

The Director creates, modifies, or extends a Working Group or 
Interest Group by sending a call for participation to the Advisory 
Committee. The call for participation must include a reference to the 
charter, the name(s) of the group's Chair(s), the name of the Team 
contact, and instructions for joining the group. A group does not 
exist prior to the initial call for participation.

An example:

This is the Call for Participation form for the Quality Assurance (QA)
Working Group and Interest Group. It is a follow-up to the Quality
Assurance Activity announcement, which is archived at:

In order to receive formal commitment from W3C members to provide people
for the working group, we ask you, the AC Representative, to complete
the form below and e-mail it to this address:


Please remember to

   1. Read the updated working group charter at:

      and the interest group charter at:

2.  Nominate individuals from your organization to participate in the
      WG and/or IG (if more tha two, please indicate who is the principal
      member and who are the alternates); and

3.  Disclose intellectual property rights related to this work,
      according to the W3C process document, at:


Note that the next Quality Assurance Working Group and Interest Group
face-to-face meeting is scheduled for Nov 12-13 in Brussels (Belgium),
in conjunction with Quality Week Europe 2001 Conference.


The co-chairs of the Working Group are:

       Karl Dubost <karl@w3.org> (W3C) - Team Contact
       Lofton Henderson <lofton@rockynet.com>, (CGM Open)

The co-chairs of the Interest Group are:

       Daniel Dardailler <dd@w3.org> (W3C) - Team Contact
       Lynne Rosenthal <lynne.rosenthal@nist.gov>, (NIST)

The Activity Lead is Daniel Dardailler.

Should you have questions, please contact the staff contact.

This Call for Participation follows Section 3.1 of the W3C Process


for Tim-Berners Lee, W3C Director;
Janet Daly, Head of Communications
+1 617 253 5884

Please duplicate item (5) below as appropriate for alternates on
the WG or for additional members on the IG.

---- FORM STARTS ----

       1) AC Representative Given Name . . . . . . . :
       2) AC Representative Family Name  . . . . . . :
       3) AC Representative E-mail Address . . . . . :
       4) Employer (W3C Member Company/Organization) :

       5) Participation

       [ ] At the present time we do not propose a
           participant for the Quality Assurance Working Group
	and/or Interest Group.

       [ ] We propose the following participant(s) for the
           Quality Assurance Working Group

       [ ] We propose the following participant(s) for the
           Quality Assurance Interest Group

           Given Name . . . :
           Family Name  . . :
           E-mail Address . :
           Telephone Number :
           Employer . . . . :

           Given Name . . . :
           Family Name  . . :
           E-mail Address . :
           Telephone Number :
           Employer . . . . :

           We understand the level of commitment as outlined
           in the Charter. We are willing to commit to this,
           and support him or her with the requisite travel
           and other expenses related to the work in the
           working group.

       6) Face to face meeting

       [ ] The Company Representative will participate in the
           face to face meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on
           12-13 November 2001.

       [ ] We are unable to participate in the meeting as

       7) Intellectual Property Rights (please choose one)

       [ ] To the best of my knowledge, we do not have intellectual
           property rights relating to Quality Assurance Working Group
           to the best of my knowledge

       [ ] We have disclosed our IPR following the procedure at

[The following entries are optional; delete each one if
       it is not applicable.]

       8) We will participate only under the following conditions:

       9) Other items to be considered by the Chair:


Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Friday, 8 March 2002 14:53:08 UTC