Re: Fwd: Comment on Fmwk:P&O, guideline 4


Thanks for the careful look at P&O.  We'll discuss this during the 
"Framework documents" segment of the agenda [3] for Friday.  We also have 
the previous contributions of yours, [1] and [2].  QAWG attendees, please 
have a look at these.  There hasn't been any pushback yet, so let's endorse 
and integrate (or debate and modify).



At 11:15 AM 2/27/2002 -0500, wrote:
>I just realized that what I proposed for Guide 4 is basically Guide 6.  Sorry
>about that.  However, I still recommend that Guide 4 be modified - perhaps
>making it more specific to staffing.
>Perhaps - Guide:  Allocate staff for QA
>----- Forwarded message from -----
>Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:45:57 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: Comment on Fmwk:P&O, guideline 4
>Suggestion for rewriting Guideline 4.
>Rationale.  The current Guideline 4 introduces the notion of QA process, but
>there is no discussion of what the QA process is.  The Checkpoints identify
>only 1 aspect of what needs to be done - staffing. A QA process should include
>much more regarding the functions and responsibilities, procedures,
>communications, etc.  Since I don't see this covered elsewhere, I propose the
>following for consideration.
>Guideline 4.  Establish the QA Process
>QA process describes the responsibilities and functions needed to enable 
>the WG
>to produce QA materials.  The process should ensure that the work is
>accomplished in an open, consensus-based manner.  It should address the
>procedural issues, communication channels, and structure and staffing.
>Checkpoint 1:  develop a QA Process document [P1]
>Checkpoint 2: Designate a QA subgroup or task force
>Checkpoint 3: Appoint a QA moderator
>Checkpoint 4. Provide communication mechanism(s)
>Checkpoint 5. Allow contributions
>Checkpoint 6. define criteria for reviewing and evaluating contributions
>Checkpoint 7: define versioning of test materials
>----- End forwarded message -----

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2002 04:04:10 UTC