Minutes, MMI Weekly call, August 10, 2015

Minutes: MMI WG weekly call


August 10, 2015




1. Discovery and Registration: 


Press coverage of the Discovery and Registration Working Draft at

Speech Technology Magazine


A nice article overview of the WD and discussion of the value of

Discovery and Registration for Web of Things applications.


The group is starting to look at other standards that could provide

some insight into discovery, for example WSDL




2. Use Case Wiki: 


We have received two comments on the use cases in the wiki



We will be updating the wiki and responding to the comments in the

next few days.


3. Technical Plenary Meeting: 


We are meeting face to face Thursday and Friday October 29 and 30 in

Sapporo, Japan (http://www.w3.org/2015/10/TPAC/)


4. Rejoining the group: 


All current members need to rejoin since the new charter contains new

work items.

Note, there won't be a call next week, due to the SpeechTEK conference.

Received on Monday, 10 August 2015 16:16:48 UTC