MathML Intent meeting on Thursday

 We meet at our standard time on Thursday, 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern, 7pm
Central European Time.

The meeting details were sent to the W3C members-only "member-math" mailing
list <>
for the group. The regulars for this group should have the meeting details
in their calendars.

Lots of unresolved ideas to come back to...

1. Announcements/Updates
2. ClearSpeak's "preferences" as a way to resolve intent vs speech? [I
might get this written up as an issue before the meeting -- I'll send email
if I do]
3. Progress on aliases for level 1 names? --
4. Plan for unifying/disunifying level 1 name. --

Received on Thursday, 27 January 2022 00:43:21 UTC