Minutes: MathML Core meeting, 27 June, 2021


   - David Carlisle
   - Deyan Ginev
   - Louis Maher
   - Neil Soiffer
   - Stephen Watt
   - Brian Kardell
   - Manuel Rego
   - Bruce Miller
   - Paul DeMarco
   - Chris Comninel


   - Fred Wang (holidays)



   Intros We introduced ourselves to one another.

   - monthly meeting on MathML-Core
      - minutes in cryptpad

*Action Item*: DC to figure out how to make
https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml-core/ a redirect to w3c repo's .io

BK: concerned that Igalia's Chromium implementation may not be up to date.

BK: we still have several issues in Github. They should be brought over to
our current area. Should they be in MathML core?

NS: we should separate issues into MathML core and MathML full.

BK: move everything in the old core into the new core.

*Action Item*: NS and BK to do the actual move

BK: says clipboards are handled by another group. We need someone to
coordinate between ourselves and other groups.


   - Would like to use care to not get too far ahead of implementations -
   we need concrete goals that get us a really good MathML-Core in every
   browser on an achievable timeline.  We want MathML to be  "Just another
   part of the platform". SVG is an interesting corollary to look at and learn
   from/improve on.  Would like to expand evaluating this to keep track of
   where we are.  Realistically we need good interop to reach REC and core
   adds lots of explanation to this.
   - expect a "slow start" as we get the initial ball rolling to move the
   MathML-Core through process, some things are a bit ceremonial.. The moving
   of the draft, repos, etc... Don't expect a lot this week.
   -  https://github.com/w3c/mathml-core is our repo...
   - https://w3c.github.io/mathml-core/ is the HTML formatted version

DC: the most up to date version is at
https://texlive.net/mathml-core/Overview.html just because that's where I
could put it. That's just temporary.


   - issues, PRs.. labeling and prioritizing... sorting out liason
   - implementation challenges/testing
   - editor(s)

 BK: we need people to write tests.

NS: tests were pointed to older repository. Neil's redirect did not happen.

MR: will help resolve this.

BK: send email on how to activate MathML support in Chrome.

NS: says chrome scripts are not placed well.

NS: need to get chrome implementation up and going. Who is going to work on
Safari and Firefox.

NS: MathML core uses CSS but browser implementations may not use CSS.

BK: we need core level one to work on all browsers.

DG: When is a test considered passing? Chromium, Firefox, all, at least one

BK: The tests help implementers provide correct behaviour. It does not need
to pass immediately, and encourages all vendors to improve their browsers.

BK: Tests undergo review before being accepted as official, so we can
filter the ones that are important to the spec.

NS: Everyone should feel encouraged to contribute tests, there is no
downside to fleshing out as many as usefully possible.

MR: each test has to have one reviewer. One reviewer is enough to approve a
test. But if the test is correct, it doesn't have to pass in any browser,
implementations will have to catch up later.

BK: any feelings on editors of MathML core? We have drafted DC.

DC: I haven't talked to Fred about keeping as editor.

MR: If you have questions about tests feel free to reach me rego@igalia.com
or fred fwang@igalia.com

DC will get the FPWD done, then we might consider other editors.

NS: should we do the last Monday of every month for these core meetings?


Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 17:17:18 UTC