Reminder: MathML meeting on Thursday, 17 June

 We meet on Thursday, 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern, 7pm Central European Time.

The meeting details were sent to the W3C members-only "member-math" mailing
list for the group. The regulars for this group should have the meeting
details in their calendars.

1. Announcements/updates
    a) reminder to link you github account to your w3c account as per
Bert's email
    b) progress moving repos

2. Core spec -> Draft Spec
    a) progress
    b) issues from anyone?

3. Intent discussion -- defaults semantics:
    a) what defaults do we want?
    b) how do these interact with multiple ways of writing mrows/should
operator dictionary be used for a canonical form?
    c) real world data?
    d) tests for implementations?

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2021 06:07:05 UTC