Re: [mathjax-dev] Embellished operators

On 23/02/2012 21:25, Frédéric WANG wrote:
> It seems that some people didn't get my point, so to be more accurate, in
> (Tree1) :=
> <mrow>
> <mo>|</mo>
> <mspace height="100px" depth="100px"/>
> </mrow>
> the | stretches to cover the height+depth of the mspace. That's the 
> vertical stretching rule for <mrow>:
> But Tree1 is an mrow whose children is one embellished op <mo>|</mo> 
> and a space-like element <mspace/>. Thus it is itself an embellished op:
> Now in
> (Tree2) :=
> <math>
> <mrow>
> (Tree 1)
> <mspace height="50px" depth="50px"/>
> </mrow>
> </math>
> the same vertical stretching rule applies: the core of the embellished 
> operator (Tree 1) stretches to cover the height+depth of the mspace.
> Hence there are two possibilities for stretching the <mo>|</mo> 
> element: one in Tree1 (height+depth=200px) and one in Tree2 
> (height+depth=100px). Which one do we choose?
> I'm thinking I have to choose the outermost possibility (100px) or 
> stretch to the maximum possible size (200px)?
> How do other rendering agents implement it?
So I've just done some experiments:

MathJax v2.0 beta: stretch to the maximum size of the mspace's
MathPlayer 3.0 beta 1: stretch to the size of the innermost mspace.
Firefox 10: stretch to the size of the outermost mspace. (probably like 
MathPlayer in earlier versions when embellished op support was not 
completely implemented)

Frédéric Wang

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2012 20:43:09 UTC