[MathML3-last-call] for consistency, the order of the result and divisor should be swapped in mlongdiv

mlongdiv currently says the order of the children is:
dividend (as members of an mstack)

It takes as an attribute 'longdivstyle' with possible values: "lefttop" |
"stackedrightright" | "mediumstackedrightright" | "shortstackedrightright" |
"righttop" | "left/\right" | "left)(right" | ":right=right" |
"stackedleftleft" | "stackedleftlinetop"

The names for longdivstyle all name the position of the divisor followed by
the position of the result, which mostly corresponds to the order they are
displayed in (divisor first, result later) .... which is backwards the
children's order.

Although it is somewhat arbitrary, it would be more consistent to make the
first child of mlongdiv be the divisor, and the second child the result.

Neil Soiffer
Senior Scientist
Design Science, Inc.
~ Makers of MathType, MathFlow, MathPlayer, MathDaisy, WebEQ, Equation
Editor ~

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 2009 23:00:07 UTC