Re: [MathML-Last-Call] dir on mrow should not default to ltr

Miller, Bruce R. wrote:
> Although the text in is clear, and I think correct about default values of the dir attribute for  the
> math and mrow elements, the table of attributes for mrow in says that dir defaults to ltr,
> which is incorrect (it would undo the effect of a higher level dir, especially for the frequent implicit mrows).
> Additionally, tin handling the previous issue on duplication of the dir attribute of the math element,
> the discussion was removed from the attribute table and shortened. However, it would be helpful
> at that point to be explicit that the default value of dir for the math element should be ltr, in order
> to maintain backward compatibility with existing MathML 2 content.
> Furthermore, anticipating handling the recently raised issue on Improving MathML Internationalization
> by addiing the dir attribute to all text containing token elements, I would point out that these should
> default the dir to inherit.

I've made the changes noted above;

Checking in spec/xml/fundamentals.xml;
/w3ccvs/WWW/Math/Group/spec/xml/fundamentals.xml,v  <--  fundamentals.xml
new revision: 1.129; previous revision: 1.128
Checking in spec/xml/presentation-markup.xml;
/w3ccvs/WWW/Math/Group/spec/xml/presentation-markup.xml,v  <--  presentation-markup.xml
new revision: 1.295; previous revision: 1.294

> bruce miller

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 23:04:29 UTC