Java Binding errors in MathML 2.0

Dear Editors:

I wanted to make you aware of some java compile errors that exist in the
Java bindings for MathML 2.0. I do not subscribe to this list, so please
accept my apologies if these have already been reported. Since they do not
appear in the document errata, I assume that they have not been previously
reported. However, since they are non-normative, perhaps they do not belong
in the errata.

The URL to the bindings document is here:

The errors are as follows:
1. MathMLMatrixElement, line 19, missing a return type, presumably "void"
2. MathMLMatrixrowElement, line 17, missing a return type, presumably "void"
3. MathMLPiecewiseElement, line 13, "case" is a reserved word in Java, so
this parameter needs a new name, perhaps "caseElement"
4. MathMLVectorElement, line 16, missing a return type, presumable "void"

Since I do not subscribe to the list, please include
in any responses you may have. Thank you.

Victor Mote

Received on Monday, 8 October 2007 18:02:38 UTC