Re: Java Binding errors in MathML 2.0

Thanks very much for pointing these out. The missing function types should
be, as you conjecture, "void" in each case. Regarding the
MathMLPiecewiseElement interface, It would seem that the various "getCase()"
and "setCase()" methods should compile - I suppose the problem must be in
the Reflection API? In any case, I suppose we should change this as well -
"caseElement" is probably as good a name as any other.


Work is underway on the MathML 3 DOM, and these problems will be fixed
there. I'm not sure when we'll reissue the Errata document for MathML 2, but
we'll add these items.


Appreciate the help.


Ron Ausbrooks

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 06:30:17 UTC