Re: textual math dtd ?

> is there anything standard in writing document that contains math ?

Well, thanks for the answers.
It finally seems that there is no positive answer to the question 

However, it would be great that if you search for "real number" under 
google, it could answer a page containing something like :

<definition>A <dfn>real number</dfn> is ... </definition>
<div class="definition">A <dfn>real number</dfn> is ... </div>

But for that to be done, some real norms has to be defined...

For the moment, each software has its proper way to manage 
with "textual" math. The recent MathML implementation in browsers could 
be the beginning to really use XML for the redaction of math documents 
(Mozilla wants to be a printing solution, also). As a teacher in 
mathematics that is what i'm actually doing : i've stopped using LaTeX, 
and now i am printing my docs with mozilla FireFox !
The fact that yet, there is no norm defined is an obstacle to this 


Received on Friday, 8 October 2004 08:38:52 UTC