- From: Susan Lesch <lesch@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 17:53:45 -0800
- To: www-math@w3.org
Belated congratulations on your MathML 2.0 Candidate Recommendation [1]. Here are a few comments and a typo report based on one quick reading, to use as you see fit. Comments -------- Globally, when talking about a specific group, "Working Group" can be capitalized. See the W3C Process document at http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/Process-19991111/activities.html#GroupsWG People are asking for smaller W3C specs. From just rough measure this one is 2.3MB zipped, nearly 3.5MB of text files unzipped (not counting the images and much of the text is markup which is great). This specification is so well written it is difficult to find places to cut text. A radical thought. Delete sections 1 and 2. This would save more than 100k. Also, 5.1 asks "Why Two Different Kinds of Markup?" after they've both been presented. Could 5.1 be cut? In Appendix C, there are about 100 identical MMLattribute tables: Name Value Default definitionURL URI identifying the definition APPENDIX_C encoding CDATA MathML They're only about 280 bytes each but could be links to save 10-20k? In April [2], when the Last Call Working Draft was proofed, image backgrounds came up. They are still transparent, and should probably be white, so that readers with user style sheets set to a dark background can read them. (This is a bigger job than I would volunteer for, but maybe the comment will help.) The table markup is nicely done. Tables in the following clauses need 'th' elements to meet level-A Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. See checkpoint 5.1 on http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/#gl-table-markup and W3C publication rules: to, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3,, 4.2.4 to 6,,, and Appendix D - except D.2.2 which looks great. (Many W3C specs may need to look at DOM tables, not only math.) It is evident that there is a working relationship with OpenMath. Still, W3C advises using example.com, example.org, and example.net for examples. Please see RFC 2606 section 3 at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2606.txt. Same for myrenderer.com in chapter 7. Is Plane 1 capitalized? It's capitalized twice in 6.2.3 and lowercase in A.3. (While it is both in http://www.unicode.org/glossary/ that glossary favors caps.) In Appendix C, "Forall" is sometimes "ForAll" and sometimes "forall". They could all match. In Appendix D globally, "presentation" and "content" can be lowercase. In Appendix G, the CSS style sheet looks invalid. To fix this add semicolons after the font-weight rules. Minor typos ----------- TOC - G, 3.2.2 par. 5, "Next" link in Appendix F, and heading for Appendix G Sample CSS Stylesheet Sample CSS Style Sheet 1.2.1 last par. from March 1997 to the June 1998 from March 1997 to June 1998 1.2.2 par. 6 use of the alt use of the alt attribute 1.2.3 par. 2 on to commerce: on to commerce. 1.3.1 par. 1 well will of necessity will of necessity In, you might link to [XML] the first time it is mentioned. 2.3.3 last par. MathML Presentation annotation MathML presentation annotation 2.4.1 par. 2 Schema schema (twice) 2.4.1 last par. Schema schema 2.4.2 par. 1 Specification specification 2.4.4 par. 3 double quotes (") or single quotes (') quotation marks (") or apostrophes (') (see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0000.pdf), Order of processing attributes versus style sheets (These could be switched to follow CSS2 cascading order and to improve accessibility.) * From a style sheet from the reader: styles which are declared `important' * From a style sheet from the author: styles which are declared `important' from the same section: Note that the order of the changes derived from CSS style sheets is specified by CSS itself. (Because CSS1 and CSS2 have different cascading orders, you might say which CSS Level applies.) par. 5 single or double quotes apostrophes or quotation marks last par. Schema schema 2.4.5 par. 1 style-sheet style sheet 2.4.5 par. 2 accept xlink:href attribute accept the xlink:href attribute 2.4.5 par. 3 All MathML elements also accepts All MathML elements also accept 2.4.5 par. 3 for use in parallel markup Section 5.3 [Parallel Markup]. for use in parallel markup (Section 5.3 [Parallel Markup]). 3.1.5 last par. the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm the Unicode bidirectional algorithm 3.2.1 par. 2 MathML Characters (Either make each occurrence capitalized, or lowercase. I'd suggest lowercase.) second to last par. an non-ASCII a non-ASCII last par. `double quote' `quotation mark' also: For example, <ms>double quote is"</ms> might be rendered as "double quote is \"". becomes: For example, <ms>quotation mark is"</ms> might be rendered as "quotation mark is \"". par. 1 Sub-Expressions Sub-expressions (not sure there) par. 3 The lspace attribute refers to the amount of space between the left edge of a bounding box and the start of the rendering of its contents' bounding box actually begins. (seems to be an incomplete sentence. Maybe:) The lspace attribute refers to the amount of space between the left edge of a bounding box and the start of the rendering of its contents' bounding box., 6th to last par. For example, if a table had five columns and we wanted lines between the columns, but no frame, then we would have to write columnlines="none solid solid solid solid none". By separating the frame from the internal lines, we only need to write columnlines="solid". (To remove first person which is hard to translate [3], could read:) For example, if a table had five columns and lines but no frames were desired between the columns, then columnlines="none solid solid solid solid none" would be necessary. If the frame is separated from the internal lines, only columnlines="solid" is needed. par. 3 + represents '+' represents '{' and '}' represent literal braces; and ( and ) are used '{' and '}' represent literal braces; and '(' and ')' are used par. 2 a list of boolean values, each boolean a list of boolean values. Each boolean par. 4 eg e.g. second example is too wide. Could lines be broken before "definitionURL"? <csymbol encoding="OpenMath" definitionURL="http://www.example.org/cd/setname1.ocd">P</csymbol> parsable.An parsable. An Can be broken into smaller paragraphs and nested uls? It's too long. Here is one way with a couple of edits. ...However, there are reasons why MathML does not require such a format. * No such format currently exists. There are several projects underway to develop and implement standard semantic encoding formats, most notably the OpenMath effort. By nature, the development of a comprehensive system of semantic encoding is a very large enterprise, and while much work has been done, much additional work remains. Even though the definitionURL is designed and intended for use with a formal semantic encoding language such as OpenMath, it is premature to require any one particular format. * There will always be situations where some non-standard format is preferable. This is particularly true in situations where authors are describing new ideas. It is anticipated that in the near term, there will be a variety of renderer-dependent implementations of the definitionURL attribute. - A translation tool might simply prompt the user with the specified definition in situations where the proper semantics have been overridden, and in this case, human-readable definitions will be most useful. - Other software may utilize OpenMath encodings. - Still other software may use proprietary encodings, or look for definitions in any of several formats. As a consequence.... par. 4 ie i.e. contaioning containing First sentence in each clause needs a period. (three times) ie. i.e. There is an extra example following Discussion in 5.2.1 par. 4 somtimes sometimes 5.3.3 accomodate accommodate 5.4.3 par. 2 frought fraught 6.2.1 list item 3 well formed well-formed 6.3 evolve Section 6.4.4 evolve, see Section 6.4.4 the Home Page of the W3C Math WG should be consulted (can link again) the W3C Math Working Group home page should be consulted 6.3.2 Mathematics mathematics (yes?) 6.4.4 [Unicode 3.0], [ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000], and [ISO/IEC 10646-1] need links to References, and the last two need a Reference(s). 7.1.2 under class, id, style stylesheets style sheets 7.1.3 second to last par. meta-data metadata 7.1.5 par. 7 stylesheet (twice) style sheet A.1 par. 1 Normally. Normally, one file. (In contrast one file (in contrast etc. etc.) A.2 the whitespace whitespace characters the white space characters A.4 XML Namespace prefixes XML namespace prefixes C.1.2 function (operator) using the apply. using apply. C.2.2.15 spcification specification C.2.3.19 existance existence C.2.10.6 For Matrices, For matrices, D.1.4 Element element F.1 second to last par. This could be a sentence (4 edits here): (Note the lack of quotation marks around the content, and the white space added around the content for readability, which is optional in MathML.) G. par2. 1-2 stylesheet style sheet (three times) H. par. 1 organisations organizations H. Axis etc, etc., H. Character or expression height know as known as H. Container (Constructor) Content content H. DSSSL method of specify method of specifying H. Instance of MathML toplevel top level H. Operator, an mo element elementmo element mo H. PCDATA recognised recognized H. Schema plural: schemata plural: schemata or schemas H. TEX <b>T<sub>E</sub>X</b> <b>T</b><sub><b>E</b></sub><b>X</b> (The E is normal weight in MSIE 5 Mac without this fix.) H. Token element Content content I.1 second list Yortown (twice) Yorktown I.1 third list Specification specification I.1 last list Softquad SoftQuad I.2 par. 1 Russel Russell K. AAP-math bethesda Bethesda K. Behaviors, DOM, Modularization, Namespaces, XHTML, XLink, XMLSchemas, XPointer, and XSLT World-Wide Web Consortium World Wide Web Consortium (or W3C) K. Thieme1983 formulas].. Reprint formulas]. Reprint K. XML Time Bray Tim Bray Sperberg-Mcqueen Sperberg-McQueen [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-MathML2-20001113/ [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-math/2000Apr/0101.html [3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/2000AprJun/0058.html -- Susan Lesch - mailto:lesch@w3.org tel:+1.858.483.4819 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - http://www.w3.org/
Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2000 21:04:51 UTC