Re: minor comments for CR-MathML2-20001113

This is the status of fixes to chapter 4.

Only the rewording/formatting of the large paragraph,  and the 
extra Example heading remain to be fixed.   

For the large run-on paragraph, David, If you like, I can look at 
the wording.. (There is paragraph markup
in the source but it is not obvious in the html. )

The extra "Example" heading  did not appear obvious in the source
so I will let David track that one down.

I will also do Appendix C.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Susan Lesch" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 8:53 PM
Subject: minor comments for CR-MathML2-20001113

> par. 4
> eg
> e.g.
> second example is too wide. Could lines be broken
> before "definitionURL"?
> <csymbol encoding="OpenMath"
>    definitionURL="">P</csymbol>
> parsable.An
> parsable. An


> Can be broken into smaller paragraphs and nested
> uls? It's too long. Here is one way with a couple of edits.
> ...However, there are reasons why MathML does not require
> such a format.
>      * No such format currently exists. There are several
>      projects underway to develop and implement standard
>      semantic encoding formats, most notably the OpenMath
>      effort. By nature, the development of a comprehensive
>      system of semantic encoding is a very large enterprise,
>      and while much work has been done, much additional work
>      remains. Even though the definitionURL is designed and
>      intended for use with a formal semantic encoding language
>      such as OpenMath, it is premature to require any one
>      particular format.
>      * There will always be situations where some non-standard
>      format is preferable. This is particularly true in
>      situations where authors are describing new ideas. It is
>      anticipated that in the near term, there will be a
>      variety of renderer-dependent implementations of the
>      definitionURL attribute.
>          - A translation tool might simply prompt the user with
>          the specified definition in situations where the proper
>          semantics have been overridden, and in this case,
>          human-readable definitions will be most useful.
>          - Other software may utilize OpenMath encodings.
>          - Still other software may use proprietary encodings,
>          or look for definitions in any of several formats.
> As a consequence....

working on it .... (Stan)

> par. 4
> ie
> i.e.

> contaioning
> containing
> First sentence in each clause needs a period.
> (three times)
> ie.
> i.e.


> There is an extra example following Discussion in
Left to David C.

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2000 06:22:38 UTC