RE: Jigsaw in general - why not?

Its also easy to run on Windows95 (and NT and most UNIXes) and so provides an easy way to work on servlets in a workgroup
environment (and do development at home and bring the code in and have a reasonable expectation of success); I use Jigsaw for that
purpose.  It also provides me with a personal web server at work when I need one.

Have fun! - Bob

Bob Hays                           "Discipline is never an end in
181 W. Madison                      itself, only a means to an end."
MS 4000                            -- King Crimson
Chicago, IL  60602                 "Whoever flees history will be
(312) 904-4668 (V)                  pursued by history."
(312) 904-5774 (F)                 -- Janusz Korczak

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Stan Pinte
> Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2000 3:46 AM
> To: Peter Schuller;
> Subject: Re: Jigsaw in general - why not?
> hello,
> well, in my opinion, you should use jigsaw if you have certain
> requirements. For example if you want to be able to - rapidly - change
> something in the way your web server handle things. because
> it is written
> in java, it is both fast and easy to customize. If you
> compare its perf
> with another web server, running natively, and not
> interpreted, it should
> be lower. Jigsaw has costs and benefits.
> what do you thing.
> personally, I want a proxy server that I am able to customize
> totally. Here
> it is, and I wouldn't figure out another product...
> Stan
> At 00:36 1/01/00 +0100, Peter Schuller wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I've been wondering; why do all reviewers of Jigsaw seem to
> say "Hey, it's
> >great, but nothing I'd use!"? Everyone seems to agree that
> Jigsaw is very
> >advanced and "on the edge" in terms of features, but
> reviewers tend to say
> >it's nothing for big-time use.
> >
> >Why? Is there something I'm not aware of? Isn't Jigsaw
> secure? Isn't it
> >stable? What?
> >
> >I´ve been using it at home and in a production enviroment at
> a company and,
> >except for some minor problems with Jigadmin, it's worked
> great. Servlets,
> >JSP, perl, PHP, the works. No problem.
> >
> >So what am I missing? Is it just ignorance on the part of
> the reviewers, or
> >am I the one who's ignorant?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >--
> >/ Peter Schuller
> >
> >PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller
> <>'
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Received on Saturday, 1 January 2000 09:21:36 UTC