Re: Questions regarding to the Jigsaw Web Server Performance

Yves Lafon wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Nyam, Yanto wrote:
> > Hello,
> >       I have a few questions regarding to how well the Jigsaw Web Server
> > performance. My group project is currently using the Jigsaw Web Server. We
> > are currently doing some performance testing toward our project which is
> > running under the Jigsaw Web Server and we found out some problems occurs
> > during the testing process as the following:
> >
> > 1. On the testing process, we set about 3 or 4 users at the same time
> > hitting our project on the web browser (IE or Netscape). After getting about
> > 3000-4000 hits, our performance testing tool is getting errors or losing the
> > web pages. It seems like the errors is coming from the Jigsaw Web Server.
> > Can you explain why we are losing the pages or getting the errors? Is it
> > because that Jigsaw Web Server is unable to handle too many hits by certain
> > number of users? The testing tool that we are using for this case is
> > Portent.
> Jigsaw is perfectly able to handle lots of request, if the server refuses
> connection, it is only because all the connections are taken, you may
> either increase the number of connection, or check that the client used
> didn't start a new request without finishing it, while keeping the
> connection open (as it will start the parsing of the request).
> Example, there was some clients sending extra bytes after a request while
> asking for a kept-alive connection, this cause a thread to be "eaten"
> until a timeout occurs.

A simple comment. I was stress testing Jigsaw under Win 95, jdk1.2.2, with Hotspot
1.1, and I noticed a funny problem:

After some time testing, Jigsaw stopped answering requests. As I had a console
window with -verbosegc (to test the memory consumption), I noticed that the cursor
in this window was stopped. The machine was kind of frozen, but the mouse worked.
I pressed CTRL-ALT-DEL, and I killed the Explorer (The Microsoft user Interface)
and the system came to life again, the cursor returned to blink, and Jigsaw served
pages again. The explorer was restarted.

I have noticed quite a few problems with the Explorer, the screen, the MsgServer
process, and network occurring in Windows 95. They tend to occur under heavy
network traffic in machines with Advanced Power Management.

I have never noticed these problems with Windows NT (except that sometimes the NT
Explorer crashes with a "Illegal Memory Access" bomb).

So maybe your problems are more related with the OS than with Jigsaw.

Other than that, performance of Jigsaw with HotSpot 1.1 is amazing!! I get, under
the same hardware and OS than six months ago, a two fold increase in performance
comparing Jigsaw 2.0.1 with jdk 1.1.7A with Jigsaw 2.1.0 with jdk1.2.2/HotSpot 1.1

Received on Monday, 27 September 1999 11:21:53 UTC