WG: Can´t initialize a socket on the web server for listening

This issue is still urgent and not solved!

Thanks for your support,

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:	Wolfgang  Chico-Töpfer 
> Gesendet am:	Sonntag, 12. September 1999 20:00
> An:	'www-jigsaw@w3.org'
> Betreff:	Can´t initialize a socket on the web server for listening
> Hi everyone,
> Now that I got Jigsaw working with our CGI application
> broker.exe,  I had the following error message displayed by
> broker.exe (after setting the CgiFrame instance with debug set
> to true, otherwise I only got "CGI script emitted  invalid status"):
> "Can't initialize a socket on the Web server machine for listening. This
> could indicate an overloaded server, or it could be a bug. If you suspect
> a bug, report this information to technical support:
> init_server_port(host="NULL", port=-1) returned -1. "
> Some more details:
> - I was able to verify that the broker itself works fine as long as it
> does not try to connect
>   to our Warehouse server through the CGI broker
> - my CgiFrame has the following attributes set:
> 	- Content Type: text/html
> 	- Command: full path to broker.exe
> 	- no header: off
> 	- generates form: off
> 	- debug: on (to get above message)
> Another thing: I noticed I could not start the broker by using GET, only
> POST seems to be
> supported. Is this true or did I miss some configuration issue?
> Can someone please help me here? Thank you  so much!
> Best,
> Wolfgang.
>  _________________________________________________
>                 Dipl.-Inform. Wolfgang Chico-Töpfer
>                      CS Internet Initiatives		    
>                              SAS Institute GmbH 
>                              D-69043 Heidelberg
>     phone  +(49) 6221/415464    fax     +(49) 6221/415101
>     e-mail  gerwoc@ger.sas.com  www  www.sas.de 
> _________________________________________________

Received on Monday, 27 September 1999 06:33:18 UTC