deadlock problem


Following the jigsaw docs I've added a simple class that extends the
standard FileResource
and also one to extend the HTTPFrame.  These classes just take file requests
with a particular
extension (added to the jigadmin configuration) and then return html (which
is returned by appending
it to an HtmlGenerator).  The html is generated dynamically, btw.

So far so good.  However, I have often seen my copy of jigsaw hang when
pages are requested a second
or third time.  When I've looked into what's going on, it *looks* like a
deadlock problem - I'll see the ResourceEventQueue
busy in a getmodified() call (usually deep in the stack).  Other threads
will be doing lookups.

What would be the sorts of things that I might be doing that would cause
deadlock?  Might it be something I'm 
*not* doing?

Thanks alot for any suggestions.

Received on Tuesday, 10 August 1999 19:02:24 UTC