- From: Jeff Sickel <Jeff_Sickel@balt.BLaCKSMITH.com>
- Date: Wed, 11 Dec 96 15:54:27 -0500
- To: www-jigsaw@w3.org
Is there a mechanism for getting the Extensions editor to allow for general purpose extensions on directories? I'm wanting to utilize the .htmld to represent directory wrappers for html sources trees. Logically this means having an index.html inside of the blah.htmld director with all references being local to that source point. Unfortunately, when trying to add an extesion with a class of w3c.jigsaw.resources.DirectoryResource, the Extensions editor returns a document with no data, thus no way to assign the appropriate attributes. jas
Received on Wednesday, 11 December 1996 15:52:20 UTC