[www-isaviz] Problem importing local RDF files from IsaViz 1.2 (fix)

Some pleople are getting the following error message:

RDFErrorHandler.error: com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp.MalformedURIException: No 
scheme found in URI.

when trying to import local RDF files from IsaViz 1.2.
This error occurs when the Default Base URI is set to a bad URI, such as 
the one that was used by default in IsaViz 1.0 and 1.1 (online:), and 
which is inherited by IsaViz 1.2 if you have an isaviz.cfg file in your 
home directory.

Here is how to fix this problem:
-launch IsaViz 1.2
-select menu item Edit/Preferences
-set the Default Base URI value to blank or to the well-formed URI of 
your choice
-save your preferences.

Thanks to Josef Betancourt and Jon A. Pastor for reporting this.

Emmanuel Pietriga (emmanuel@w3.org) |  MIT - Laboratory for Computer Science
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)     |  Room NE43-344
tel: +1 617.253.5327                |  200 Technology Square
fax: +1 617.258.5999                |  Cambridge, MA 02139

Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 15:22:26 UTC