Re: [css-text] Enclosed alphanumerics and text-align:capitalize

Hello Richard,

I think this is a difficult call. On the one hand, it makes sense to 
change the first letter in a string of enclosed letters. On the other 
hand, it doesn't make sense to change it if it's part of some 
punctuation (e.g. from as part of a list or some such).

So the alternatives are either to make this context-dependent or to just 
choose a solution and stick with it. My guess is that this is an edge 
case, so just picking the currently more popular solution and sticking 
with it may be best.

Regards,   Martin.

On 2015/03/11 00:29, Richard Ishida wrote:
> i was wondering about how to treat enclosed alphanumerics when
> text-align is set to capitalize.
> See the test results at
> wrt uppercase or lowercase transforms, the spec simply says "Puts all
> letters in lowercase", or vice versa, and that seems to me appropriate,
> for those characters that have Unicode mappings. The tests
> text-transform-upperlower-026.html, text-transform-upperlower-027.html
> indicate that this is what happens across all major desktop browsers.
> For text-transform: capitalize, however, the spec says "Puts the first
> *typographic letter unit* of each word in titlecase" (my emphasis).  As
> you can see in test text-transform-capitalize-031.html, it makes sense
> when punctuation and the like precede the actual word of the text to
> look for the first real letter. (All browsers pass that test.)
> it's not clear to me, however, whether a word that only consists of
> enclosed alphanumerics (which don't fit the definition of 'typgraphic
> letter unit'), or even one that starts with an enclosed alphanumeric
> block character, should be not title cased: see the results of
> text-transform-capitalize-026.html. Firefox currently does not. Chrome
> and Safari, on the other hand do titlecase per the Unicode data.  IE
> titlecases everything except the first word on the page.
> i can't imagine that people will want to do this very often, so this
> seems much like an edge case, but i thought i'd ask the question, all
> the same.
> what's the answer?
> ri

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2015 06:32:38 UTC