Re: [css3-writing-modes] character orientation and text-combine-horizontal (was: [css3-writing-modes] i18n-ISSUE-275: Digit 1)

> .tcy {
> text-combine-horizontal: digits 1;
> text-orientation: sideways;
> }
> Are single digits upright or sideways?

The spec says:

# When combining text as for Œtext-combine-horizontal: all¹, the glyphs
# of the combined text are composed horizontally (ignoring
# Œletter-spacing¹ and any forced line breaks, but using the specified
# font settings), similar to the contents of an inline-box with a
# horizontal writing mode and a line-height of 1em.

And text-orientation says:

# Current values only have an effect in vertical writing modes; the
# property has no effect on elements in horizontal writing modes.

So glyphs should appear in upright.

Do you think we need to add more clarification?


On 8/5/13 1:10 PM, "John Daggett" <> wrote:

fantasai wrote:

>> 9.1. Horizontal-in-Vertical Composition: the Œtext-combine-horizontal¹
>> "Integers outside the range 1-4 are invalid."
>> What if you set
>> date { text-combine-horizontal: digits 1; text-transform: full-width; }
>> Does it make text-transform redundant?
>> Isn't digits 1 equivalent to text-combine-horizontal: none?
>> Shouldn't the spec say "Integers outside the range 2-4 are
>> invalid."?
>> Note added by Elika Etemad, 23 Jul 2013, 19:07:23:
>> No, what that does is set each single digit as full-width and
>> upright. (It's a bit redundant because full-width glyphs are by
>> default upright.) The full-width transformation is only suppressed
>> when there is more than one character in the TCY.
>> If you remove the full-width text-transform, then digits 1 will
>> effectively just put single digit numbers upright. It's not the
>> same as 'none'.

Looking at the wording for 'text-combine-horizontal', the precise
effective orientation of the combined glyph used in the tatechuyoko
case is not defined, nor is the interaction of this with
'text-orientation' clearly specified.

For example, what does happens in the case below?

  .tcy {
    text-combine-horizontal: digits 1;
    text-orientation: sideways;

Are single digits upright or sideways? I think the spec needs to say
that the combined glyph is upright no matter what the value of
'text-orientation' is.

There's a related issue with the CSS3 Text spec which contains an
appendix listing the relative order of text processing operations [1].
The value of 'text-combine-horizontal' is used when dividing up runs
of vertical text into runs with a single orientation (i.e. upright,
sideways, inline horizontal), so it should be grouped with
'text-orientation' rather than listed above 'text transformation'.


John Daggett


Received on Tuesday, 6 August 2013 07:25:52 UTC