Re: Proposal: Locale Preferences API

Andrew Cunningham scripsit:

> Some languages use more that on script which would need to be identified,
> if the language entry in IANA registry doesn't have a suppress-script
> (which interestingly is how windows8 has started to implement languages -
> don't you love undocumented features)

Scripts never *have* to be identified; that's a matter of what's appropriate
to a given situation.  For bibliographic purposes you want them to be,
so you don't send (say) a book in the Arabic script to someone who can't
read the Arabic script.  We added Suppress-Script: only where we were 100%
sure that it belonged, and sometimes we omitted it even when we were sure.

Is not a patron, my Lord [Chesterfield],        John Cowan
one who looks with unconcern on a man 
struggling for life in the water, and when
he has reached ground encumbers him with help?
        --Samuel Johnson

Received on Sunday, 28 July 2013 06:53:53 UTC