Re: I18N-ISSUE-247: Clarify interpretation of line breaks when calculating storage size [ITS-20]

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Jirka Kosek <> wrote:
> OK I see where you going. What about adding something like:
> "For purposes of storage size calculations ITS processor MUST behave as
> if line ends were normalized accordingly to
> (or to
> if XML 1.1 is used) and only
> LINE FEED (U+000A) character is then considered as a line break."
> So for XML 1.0 U+0085 will not be considered as a line break, same for
> &#x0D;

I don't  really see how that follows. Are you storing XML converted to
bytes or a set of bytes you arrived at after parsing the XML and
taking the text content of the relevant element? The latter will not
contain &#x0D; unless your input was &amp;#x0D;.


Received on Friday, 29 March 2013 11:43:32 UTC