Re: For review: 1 new and 3 updated articles about language declarations in HTML

On 8/22/2011 1:00 PM, Gunnar Bittersmann wrote:
> Leif Halvard Silli scripsit on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 10:18:33 +0100
>> Hm. What you bring in here, is the *dialogue* mark-up issue and not the
>> quotation mark-upiss. Because, it would *not* be correct *markup* to do
>> this:
> Hm, it’s not a dialog, actually. The Hare has long escaped from the 
> Wolf and would not reply to his shouting. ;-)
> But honestly, what’s the big difference between “Martin Luther King 
> said, ‘I have a dream!’” and “The Wolf shouted, ‘You just wait!’”?
> What makes the first a quote but not the second?

It's the undecidability of such things that makes "semantic" markup so 


Received on Monday, 22 August 2011 21:19:22 UTC