Re: For review: 1 new and 3 updated articles about language declarations in HTML

 > Why use the language attribute?

 > The following example shows how you can apply different quotation marks for 
quotations in German text.
 > These quotation marks will be used to surround the content of a q element
 > with the attribute lang="de".
 > :lang(en) > * { quotes: '"' '"' "'" "'"; }
 > :lang(en) > * { quotes: '„' '“' '‚' '‘'; }
 > q:before { content: open-quote; }
 > q:after { content: close-quote; }

Perhaps this sample illustrates how to change quotation marks
depending on the language, and the the second line meant to
be :lang(de) rather?
I didn't get what the last two lines mean but that's probably because
I don't have enough knowledge about CSS that this article requires.

KUROSAKA ("Kuro") Teruhiko, Berkeley, California, USA

Received on Sunday, 21 August 2011 23:27:07 UTC