RE: Comments on Best Practices for Authoring HTML: RTL scripts

Sent: 28 July 2009 00:34
Subject: RE: Comments on Best Practices for Authoring HTML: RTL scripts


Section 4  Best Practice 2
" By default the dir attribute setting should produce the correct

However, see the attached html page! 
(& sorry for this cumbersome phonetic transcription of Arabic [which may
have an error or two] and this leaden morpheme-by-morpheme translation [in
which I hope there are no errors]; I just used code from a page I had
available; I did not feel like typing in more unicode character numbers at
this time; 
regarding the alignment of the first six verses/half-verses, 
the following codes produce the following effects:
p align="right" class="ArabicOriginal" Displays o.k. with text rtl
p align="left" class="ArabicOriginal" aligns to the left as expected; text
runs rtl as it should
p class="ArabicOriginal" dir="rtl" still aligns to the left 

RI: That's because align="left" is inherited from the body tag. This is a
good example of why you should follow this best practice.  I also changed
the wording of the bp to say " Only use text-align where you specifically
want to override the current default alignment. "

p align="right" aligns to the right; margin is off because I specify a
margin with the class attribute!
p align="right" class="ArabicOriginal" dir="rtl"aligns properly to the right
p class="ArabicOriginal" dir="rtl" even coming in the middle of
right-aligned paragraphs, it aligns to the left--and this with the
directionality attribute set [which is wholly unneeded here since the whole
block is in Arabic script!])
I'm sure I've misunderstood here; please let me know how I've misunderstood
Best Practice 2.


Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2009 16:39:48 UTC