Re: Language tag education and negotiation

On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 01:29:06PM -0700,
 Mark Davis <> wrote 
 a message of 185 lines which said:

> Unfortunately, the specs are ill-defined regarding the q values. 

My main problem with language negotiation in HTTP, and the reason why
I did not configure my browser to list my favorite language (french)
first, is that HTTP make no distinction between original and
translated texts. If I say to the HTTP server "I prefer french, then
english", I get, most of the time, poorly translated and/or
out-of-date pages in french. (Just compare and

What I really would like to express is "I prefer original text in
french or english, then translated text in one of these two
languages." But that's work for RFC 4646 ter :-)

Received on Sunday, 4 May 2008 21:03:41 UTC