RE: For review: An Introduction to Multilingual Web Addresses

Hi Martin,

> From: Martin Duerst [] 
> Sent: 27 March 2007 08:16
> >wrt
> >
> >Near the top it says:
> >
> >"Run each test twice. First with only en or en-US listed in 
> the browser language preferences, and secondly with the 
> following additional languages in the preferences: Russian, 
> Japanese, German, Greek, Hindi, Armenian, Thai and 'am' (user 
> defined code for Amharic)...."
> Richard - "user defined code" may be highly misleading. "am" 
> is not a user defined code, it is defined by ISO 639. It is 
> just not selectable from the menu in IE, right? I hope you 
> can clarify this in the text.

I changed it. Thanks.

> >Also, did you see Najib's email of March 7? - He made the 
> point that even for some 'supported' TLDs, Firefox displays 
> Arabic & Hebrew domain names in punycode.
> >Yet, if you mix some Latin characters with the Arabic [and 
> possibly Hebrew] domain names, they render fine... peculiar.
> Does such a mixture include labels that contain both Latin 
> and RTL characters, or are the scripts separated by dots? In 
> the former case, this would be even more peculiar, because 
> such labels (mixing RTL and LTR characters) are illegal in IDN.

See the new test and results I just announced in my reply to Michael.


Received on Tuesday, 27 March 2007 17:41:15 UTC