Re: [CSS3 Text] punctuation-trim

> Judging from æ ‡ç‚¹ç¬¦å·ç”¨æ³•, the Simplified Chinese list makes sense.
> (It
> specifies the placement of periods, commas, and colons to the bottom left
> of the glyph box.) I don't know of a similar resource for Traditional
> Chinese, however, so I can't check that. (Do any i18n guys/gals reading
> this have a pointer for Hant punctuation conventions?)

There is a large amount of text in traditional Chinese that is
presented as vertical text. So the punctuation marks should be
centered in the glyph box, for otherwise it will look pretty odd.
Since there is less vertical text in simplified Chinese characters,
putting some punctuation marks to the left or bottom left works
fine in most cases. But for the rare cases of vertical text, they
should be centered.

So I think centering punctuation marks in glyph boxes will work
for both horizontal and vertical text renderings and should be

> I'll ask Steve (Adobe) and Paul (MS) to check on this as well.
>> When punctuations typically only used for one language appear in another
>> language text, punctuation trimming is not expected.
> Given that in web pages the language is often unmarked, and just generally
> to make mixed-language documents format more consistently, I think
> punctuation
> specific to one of these languages should appear in the corresponding list
> for the other languages as well. Do you feel that that would cause any
> significant problems?
> ~fantasai

Received on Monday, 5 February 2007 08:02:39 UTC