Re: Autmotic Translators Google SysTrans Want to find out more; why both same?

CE Whitehead a écrit :
> Thanks for your info on the French  (I think you are right; I think you
> have to repeat "quelque chose"--"des cas où il est possible que
>> se passe quelque chose"; I'll have to check with a French speaker!)
> ; but google and systrans are doing personal pronouns improperly in any
> case, also!

FYI, the gramaticaly correct french sentence should sound:

"S'il est impossible que quelque chose se passe, y a-t-il des cas où il
est possible que cela se passe ?"

But indeed, you would rather say:

"S'il est impossible qu'une chose arrive, y a-t-il des cas où elle peut
se passer ?"

Xavier Lacot

Received on Friday, 8 June 2007 16:13:37 UTC