Re: Editor for HTML, UTF-8 and Arabic

On Thursday, March 31, 2005, 9:26:02 AM, Jasper wrote:

JM> Dear members of www-international,
JM> I’m looking for an editor that allows me to edit and save
JM> HTML-Files with UTF-8 encoding and displays Arabic script correctly.
JM> I tried XML-Spy, but in order to let it recognize Files as UTF-8 you
JM> have to put an xml-declaration at the beginning.

That is not my experience.  I just tested it - in a text editor
(EmEditor) I made <foo></foo>, found a line of sample Arabic (from the
W3C Office Morocco site), pasted it between the start and end tags,
saved it (UTF-8, BOM).

XML Spy (not the latest one - I happened to have version 5 release 4
installed) opened this file without a problem, and displayed the arabic

If I save it without a BOM it works just the same.
JM> I’m looking for some editor of the kind of ancient “HomeSite”.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Thursday, 31 March 2005 13:19:52 UTC