RE: Problem in showing Japanise Wave dash

Here's a response from the NELOCSIG list...

From:  "Suzanne M. Topping" <> 
Date:  Wed Feb 20, 2002  2:13 pm
Subject:  RE: [nelocsig] Japanese wave character issue

The two codes are equivalent, U+30-1C being part of the CJK Symbols and
Punctuation set, U+FF5E being part of the Halfwidth and Fullwidth forms

Sounds therefore like a normalization problem, but not being a Unicodie,
I can't suggest a fix. I wonder why Microsoft uses what would appear to
be the non-canonical version of the character?

I'd talk to Microsoft first, but am wondering if you could insert a
simple conversion/translation before sending the data out, to "manually"
convert occurrences of U+30-1C to U+FF5E?

Kludgy, yes.

What version of Windows does this happen with?

Received on Friday, 8 November 2002 13:24:28 UTC