Re: Localization and Internationalization

> I was wondering if there are any formal connections between efforts 
> at WWW internationalization (where I assume language and character 
> sets are the main focus) and localization with countries?
> I am researching how geography can made an attribute for defining 
> "digital crossroads" for community conferencing from the block club 
> and neighborhood on up.  I am also following meta tag conversations 
> and see some geographical attributes emerging.
> Does anyone have any comment and is this group the appropriate W3 
> group to take up such issues?
There is a related problem in electronic commerce, which is about locale as well as geography. An electronic commerce server should have some way of knowing e.g what currency and/or weights & measurements system a given user prefers. (which may of course be independent of geographical location, although a geographical location might also be relevant). It's probably possible to do all this with cookies but something like an Accept-Locale header would be a bit less trouble.

Iain Urquhart
European Commission
DG XIII-E5 Language Engineering
Tel: +352 4301 33661
Fax: +352 4301 34999

Received on Monday, 4 August 1997 06:29:02 UTC