Re: Translations

Gary Adams - Sun Microsystems Labs BOS:
>M. T. Carrasco Benitez writes:
> >  it-ht   (Italian, human translation)
> >  it-mt   (Italian, machine translation)
>This could get very interested in negotiating the language quality.

>e.g. Accept-Language: it:q=1.0, it-mt;q=0.7, it-ht;q=0.5
>(If you can't get an original Italian document make sure the machine
>translation is better than the rough human draft.)

Eek!  This is a very bad example: you cannot use the Accept-Language header
in this way, you would have to use some new mechanism.

By the way, in the transparent content negotiation model, you just tell the
server how well you can read Italian, and the server will tell you how good
Its italian variant is.  If the Italian variant is bad, for example due to
machine translation, the server will assign a low source quality value to it.


Received on Tuesday, 14 January 1997 11:44:02 UTC