Help on multilinguality on systems

Hellow every body,

On the MacOS, we use WorldScript I, WorldScript II and language kit
technics to allow dealing with multilingual text processing/editing on the
same machine.

I have some questions:

1- What are equivalent/alternative technics on Windows95, Unix and others

2- Do you know some of real "text/document processors" (on these
plate-forms) that are  really multilingual, i.e. which allow to edit
several languages (from diffrent writing systems: romain, arabic, japanese,
thai, etc.) in the same document? I search for multilingual softwares to be
used in a context of multilingual publishing environments (such as big
translation firms, international companies, etc.).

3- What do I need on my system (MacOS, Windows95, Unix) to write and read
multilingual HTML documents on Web, and where can I find these resources or

*             Abdel-Basset al-ASSIMI (Doctorant en Informatique)             *
*                                                                            *
*    Problemes de Multilinguisation des Systemes d'Information Hypermedia    *
*            (Gestion des Documents Paralleles ou Multilingues)              *
*                                                                            *
*   GETA, CLIPS-IMAG (UJF, INPG & CNRS)    Tel     : 33 4 7651-4369          *
*   BP 53 - 150, Rue de la Chimie          Fax     : 33 4 7651-4405          *
*   38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France         Courriel:   *

Received on Tuesday, 29 April 1997 11:31:56 UTC