Re: rechartering issue #1

I'd see it in localizability.


"Suzanne M. Topping" wrote:

 >  -----Original Message-----
 > > From: []
 > > I'd like to see some attention given to how web content is
 > > structured so
 > > that translated versions can be easily sorted linguistically.
 > >
 > > Right now there is NO way to alphabetically sort HTML content
 > > except to
 > > load it into a HTML editor and let a translator move the
 > > content about,
 > > edit redundant entries and add required ones, depending on
 > > the language.
 > > The dangers and costs involved are obvious.
 > >
 > > In theory one might use the <xsl:sort> element as in XML
 > > combined with a
 > > language attribute - unfortunately, right now it doesn't work too
 > > well...:)
 > Hi Ultan,
 > The following focus areas were identified at the Workshop:
 > >- Guidelines, best practices
 > >- Distributed services (e.g. exchanging locale/collation info)
 > >- Education & Outreach
 > >- Localizability
 > >- Existing work (reviews, character model, liaisons)
 > From your description above, I'm having trouble figuring out which of
 > these areas your suggestion fits into. Based on the headings alone, I'd
 > guess "Distributed Services" however the discussions at the session
 > itself really didn't broach the issue you raise, so I'm wondering if
 > you'd see this as something falling into a separate category. And if so,
 > what would you call such a category, and would other issues also be
 > included in it?
 > (Perhaps Martin or Misha can also comment about whether additional
 > categories would be considered at this time.)
 > Thanks for the clarification,
 > Suzanne Topping

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2002 18:39:16 UTC