Fwd: bug es qa-ruby (was: Re: A bug and the next one ;))

Some 3 years ago I wrote (2011-02-18 14:29+01:00):
> Last but not least, a real translation error in
> http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-ruby.pl.php (under “By the
> way”/“Dodadkowe informacje”):
> wrong: używanej przez drukarki
> correct: używanej przez drukarzy
> The former means “used by printers” (devices), the latter means what it
> should: “used by printers” (operators of a printing press).

This error is already corrected in Polish, Russian and Ukrainian
translations, but the Spanish translator has fallen into the same trap:

El término deriva de un determinado tamaño de fuente (5 pt) usado por
las impresoras.

should read:

El término deriva de un determinado tamaño de fuente (5 pt) usado por
los impresores.

or, using the more specific ”typesetters” instead of “printers”:

El término deriva de un determinado tamaño de fuente (5 pt) usado por
los tipógrafos.

(confirmed by native speaker)


Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 10:36:37 UTC