update qa-html-encoding-declarations

Hi Richard,
http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-byte-order-mark.en has been 
updated and says that BOM takes precedence over HTTP.

still has HTTP over BOM. This should be conforming to the current HTML5 

Please change the order in the list – also in the tranlsations.

The sentence
According to the specification, the BOM has lower precedence than the 
HTTP Content-Type header, but higher precedence than anything else.

should be changed to something like
According to the specification, the BOM has higher precedence than the 
HTTP Content-Type header and than anything else.

In German that would be:
Gemäß dieser Spezifikation hat das BOM eine höhere Priorität als der 
HTTP-Content-Type-Header und als alles andere.

(Changed file attached, $thisVersion set accordingly.)

In Spanish:
De acuerdo con la especificación, el BOM tiene mayor precedencia que un 
encabezado HTTP Content-Type y que cualquier otra cosa.

In Swedish:
Enligt specifikationen ska BOM ha högre prioritet än ett HTTP 
Content-Type-huvud och högre prioritet än övriga typer av deklarationer.

In Russian:
Согласно спецификации, BOM имеет более высокий приоритет чем 
Content-Type заголовок HTTP и чем что-то другое.

In Ukrainian:
Згідно зі специфікацією, BOM має більш високий пріоритет ніж 
Content-Type заголовок HTTP та ніж будь-що інше.

(es confirmed by native Spanish speaker, sv confirmed by a collegue who 
speaks Swedish, ru and uk conformirmed by original translator Alexandr 
Shlapak behind the scenes ;-))


Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2014 10:22:34 UTC