Re: bug qa-translate-flag

Thanks for spotting that!  It's actually a very useful point to make.  I 
changed the examples and the lead in text that now says
"You may also want to use it to protect keywords, code samples or 
examples from being translated."


On 03/02/2014 14:24, Gunnar Bittersmann wrote:
>>> Now that I’ve read that qa-translate-flag article a couple of times I
>>> might as well translate it. ;-)
>> Attached.
> Hi Richard!
> While translating the article I’ve found another issue that I hadn’t
> spotted during the review period. Sorry for that.
> But this actually comes to mind when you’re translating, having to
> decide what to translate and what not to (the topic of the article ;-)).
> The following sample code is wrong. In
> <p>Here is an example of the label element using the for attribute:</p>
> “label” and “for” must not be translated, hence the code should be
> <p>Here is an example of the <span translate="no">label</span> element
> using the <span translate="no">for</span> attribute:</p>
> or with code elements
> <p>Here is an example of the <code translate="no">label</code> element
> using the <code translate="no">for</code> attribute:</p>
> (In the HTML code, < and > would be escaped, of course.)
> If you feel that this would make the example too complicated to read,
> don’t use “label element” and “for attribute” in the leading paragraph.
> It might read:
> <p>Here is an example of an input field with an associated label:</p>
> In this sentense, “label” would be translated.
> Note that this occurs in two examples on the page.
> Cheers,
> Gunnar

Received on Monday, 3 February 2014 16:23:19 UTC