Re: [Comment on ITS WD] Missing document reference

Hello Richard, all

This is a reply on behalf of the i18n ITS working group.
See for our discussion.

Thank you very much for your comment. We agreed to implement it. Please have a look at:

Please let us know within 2 weeks if you are satisfied. If we don't hear from you, we will assume this issue as closed.


The original comments and discussion are here:
> Subject: RE: missing doc ref
> I think that we *should* mention it in the introductory text 
> somewhere, since it is a document that people are familiar 
> with, and it ties together the ITS work with initiatives 
> associated with that document, and shows that this is a 
> practical outcome of those ideas, which I believe is useful.
> (Note, for example, that the DITA folks were working from 
> that document, rather than from ITS stuff initially.)
> (Which has set me also to thinking that maybe we should refer 
> to it in the ITS spec, too, for the same reasons - since very 
> few people are likely to read the Requirements document once 
> the spec is out.)

Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 16:29:43 UTC