Re: URIs in citations

Martin Duerst wrote:

>With very few exceptions, the title of the work being referenced
>is already a link, and we plan to fix the remaining items.

Thank you.

>However, we do not understand your comment "a URI should not be
>anchor text". Why not? Can you explain? We agree that just giving
>URIs as links is bad practice, but having something else as link
>text, and having the URIs mainly for printing, does not provide
>an argument for not also making the URIs links.

An underlined text in a color other than body text will draw attention
to the URI's text which is often pretty unreadable.

The Manual of Style is silent on this, as is the source of the
Manual entry, from Dan Connolly.

While I think following W3C style is helpful when readers are reading
the body of W3C work, that style is optional, and I trust that you'll
do the right thing.

Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Monday, 22 March 2004 12:28:04 UTC