[QA Review] CharMod for the Web 1.0: Normalization WD 25 February 2004
A string is a sequence of characters
APIs vs. physical string representations
Arguments vs. return types
Avoid inline conformance criteria
Background color of images
C036 and C033 are duplicates and too obvious
Clarify "character technology misuse"
Clarify "legacy encoding"
Clarify C034 in case of heuristics
Comments on section 7
Conformance vs. non-conformance
Define "mandate"
Editorial suggestions
Improved text for C047
New Tutorial: Character sets & encodings in XHTML, HTML and CSS
Specs must require specs to conform
Strike C019
Testability again (was: [QA Review] CharMod for the Web 1.0: Fundamentals WD 25 Feb 2004)
Use uppercase hhhh
Using "charset" should be prohibed
Last message date: Thursday, 29 April 2004 13:16:22 UTC