Re: Heuristics

From: "Martin Duerst" <>

> We think that the Appendix of XML 1.0 does not give heuristics,
> in that no two implementations will interpret a document as
> being encoded in different encodings. (there may of course
> be differences in what encodings the two implementations accept).

And, more than that, if there are encodings uncovered or developed
which cannot be fitted into the XML Appendix F mechanism, they are
unsuitable for being used for any public XML. 

(I should say "any public XML that is distributed
using a protocol which may not reliably provide the correct overriding".
HTTP can provide an overriding encoding, but because HTTP
is unreliable in this regard in practise, just "any public XML" is

Rick jelliffe

Received on Saturday, 13 July 2002 02:40:03 UTC