Re: proposed li:marker pseudo-class

On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 01:46:51PM +0100, David Woolley wrote:

> Tina Holmboe wrote:
>>   What I am saying is that there exist no other mechanism in HTML, or
>>   for that matter in XHTML, for /explicitly/ stating that order is
>>   significant except OL*.
> I think that is because the current HTML specification still has  
> elements of the old school style of internet specification, in which it  
> isn't necessary to specify everything with SHALLs and MUST NOTs.  I  

  I would agree, if it wasn't for the fact that such a philosophy would
  not require an UL *and* an OL, since it'd be common sense* to render
  list items in the order they were specified.

  * Common sense, as has been shown time and time again, is not a good
    substitute for exactitude.

 -  Tina Holmboe      Developer's Archive           Greytower Technologies

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 13:02:31 UTC