Re: HTML5 script start tag should select appropriate content model according to src

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

> Do you realise how much time we would waste by starting with HTML4 and 
> removing/replacing with features from HTML5, just to end up with a spec 
> equivalent to the HTML5 spec we have now?  A much better approach would 
> be to start with the much more mature HTML5 spec and raise issues 
> against the specific sections you have problems with.

This is a joke, right ?  How can you possibly claim that the HTML5
specification is "much more mature" than HTML 4.01, when the latter
has existed since 24 December 1999 whilst the former is still no
nore than a "work in progress [that] is changing on a daily if not
hourly basis" ?

Philip Taylor

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2007 10:48:59 UTC