Re: content type for XHTML fragments

Spartanicus wrote:
> Don't post in HTML, plain text only please. Corrected this once.
My apologies---I was running on habit.

> I assumed that the application *includes* the fragments, not parse them.
> You need to explain further if that isn't the case.
My original post indicated, "A common use nowadays, especially with 
wikis and newsfeeds, is to store XHTML fragments (such as 'this is 
<em>really</em> cool') to be later integrated into a larger XHTML 
document." By "store" I mean "store in some external file". By 
"integrated" I mean "gathered together and combined".

I never indicated that the application would parse the fragments 
(although in my particular application this occurs)---even if no parsing 
takes places and simply inclusion is to occur, the application still 
needs to know whether it should render characters such as '<' verbatim 
or whether it should encode them.


Received on Monday, 16 January 2006 17:17:48 UTC