Re: [XHTML] @show on <a/>

> > My experience is its only natural for the author to specify behaviour and
> > using whatever hacks work with current popular browsers.
> That's why I'm proposing a way for the author to specify *intent*, and
> signal that a given behavior is wise.

Intent without reasoning doesn't really help. Since the user cannot
specify alternate behavior with any meaningful logic.

Better would be rel="external site"; rel="alternate media"; or some
other meaningful values that would allow the user through the UA to
produce meaningful logic (e.g. if it's a link to another site, keep it
in the window; if it's an enlarged version of the same content, open
in a popup).

And as a general rule, you should never show intent to the UA. Just
give it raw data (like where it's linking to or what class of data
it's linking to) and let the UA decide.


Orion Adrian

Received on Monday, 27 February 2006 04:16:02 UTC