Re: [XHTML] @show on <a/>

Orion Adrian wrote:
>>> My experience is its only natural for the author to specify behaviour and
>>> using whatever hacks work with current popular browsers.
>> That's why I'm proposing a way for the author to specify *intent*, and
>> signal that a given behavior is wise.
> Intent without reasoning doesn't really help. Since the user cannot
> specify alternate behavior with any meaningful logic.
> Better would be rel="external site"; rel="alternate media"; or some
> other meaningful values that would allow the user through the UA to
> produce meaningful logic (e.g. if it's a link to another site, keep it
> in the window; if it's an enlarged version of the same content, open
> in a popup).
> And as a general rule, you should never show intent to the UA. Just
> give it raw data (like where it's linking to or what class of data
> it's linking to) and let the UA decide.
Yes, maybe a @rel value is a better way to give information of how the 
link target fits with the content flow.


Received on Monday, 27 February 2006 12:47:54 UTC